BTNEP-Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, NEP-National Estuary Program, PI – Program Implementation, CP-Coordinated Planning, EM-Ecological Management, SR-Sustained Recognition and Citizen Involvement, EG- Economic Growth, PE- Project Examples CCMP-Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, BTES-Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary System, MC-Management Conference, BTPO-Barataria-Terrebonne Program Office, BTB-Barataria Terrebonne Basins, HABs-Harmful Algal Blooms, K-12- Kindergarten through 12 th Grade, R&D-Research and Development

PI-1 Barataria-Terrebonne Management Conference (BTNEP MC)


  • To provide oversight of CCMP implementation
  • To provide direction to the Barataria-Terrebonne Program Office (BTPO)
  • To ensure that all stakeholders have the opportunity for input into implementing the CCMP
  • To facilitate coordinated management of the BTES

PI-2 Barataria-Terrebonne Program Office


  • To provide administrative and logistical support to the BTNEP MC by maintaining a BTPO with an
    active full-time staff

PI-3 Maintain Points-of-Contact for the State of Louisiana


    • To maintain Points-of-Contact for the State of Louisiana with respect to implementing the CCMP
    • To maintain appropriate organizational relations with the host fiscal agency
    • To continue to maintain professional associations with many State of Louisiana agencies that

provide a mechanism for implementing the CCMP

CP-1 Governmental Affairs and Education


  • To keep federal, state, and local government officials and elected and appointed officials informed as to the critical issues of the BTES
  • To secure continued awareness of the need for implementing the CCMP
  • To provide sufficient information to Louisiana’s Congressional Delegation on the national significance of the BTES

CP-2 Emergency Response, Recovery, and Resiliency


  • To coordinate diverse activities across other Action Plans in the event of disaster response, recovery, and resilience.

CP-3 Communication of Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines


  • To ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the state and federal (where applicable) legislative and regulatory process related to CCMP Action Plans
  • To facilitate the education and communication of regulatory actions that will affect BTES stakeholders related to CCMP Action Plans
  • To communicate stakeholders’ needs to elected and appointed officials in response to the development of rules, regulations, and guidelines related to CCMP Action Plans

EM-1 Hydrologic Restoration and Management


  • To improve wetland habitats negatively impacted by local hydrologic modifications
  • To improve hydrology through the effectual use of the freshwater, sediments, and/or nutrients that already reach the basins
  • To stabilize water levels and salinity to provide conditions conducive to the establishment and growth of emergent and submergent marsh plants

EM-2 River Reintroductions


  • To use riverine resources of freshwater and sediment from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers in order to decrease salinities and preserve and/or create marshes

EM-3 Freshwater Reintroduction into Bayou Lafourche


  • To support and encourage reintroduction of Mississippi River flow into Bayou Lafourche in order to bring freshwater and sediments to the BTB marshes to help address coastal land loss and to ensure adequate consumptive freshwater supplies by combating saltwater intrusion

EM-4 Beneficial Use of Dredged Material and Dedicated Dredging


  • To make use of material when dredging activities or dedicated dredging occurs within or adjacent to the BTES in order to create, maintain, and/or restore marsh, coastal ridges, and islands.

EM-5 Preservation and Restoration of Barrier Islands


  • To preserve and restore barrier islands in order to protect environmental and economic resources

EM-6 Shoreline Stabilization, Induced Sediment Deposition, and Living Shorelines


  • To facilitate maintaining and restoring existing marshes and swamps by reducing shoreline erosion along bays, lakes, canals, and bayous
  • To trap or induce sediment deposits in order to maintain and restore existing marshes and swamps as well as build new marshes
  • To construct and maintain living shorelines for shore erosion control wherever possible and feasible in order to create and enhance growth and sustain habitat that is naturally resistant to erosion

EM-7 Flood Risk Reduction and Coastal Resiliency


  • To provide flood risk reduction measures for property, population centers, ecosystems, etc.
  • To anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand and recover from disruptions

EM-8 Pollutant Identification and Assessment


  • To facilitate access to accurate and timely water quality data for the BTES by the public, researchers, and governmental agencies
  • To facilitate access to Geographic Information System (GIS) data and mapping for hydrology, land use, permitted facilities discharging to BTES water bodies, and other related topological parameters that will promote better identification of current or potential water quality impacts

EM-9 Oil and Produced Water Spill Prevention and Early Detection


  • To reduce the number, volume, and impact of petroleum and related fluid spills in the BTES
  • To place an emphasis on the prevention and early detection of petroleum and oilfield produced water spills in the BTES

EM-10 Improvement of Water Quality through Reduction of Sewage Pollution


  • To reduce fecal coliform counts, pathogens, nutrients, and organic matter in the BTES waterbodies attributable to discharges of human waste from inadequate or poorly-maintained sewage treatment plants, rural homesites, unsewered communities, commercial and recreational vessels, and waterfront camps

EM-11 Reduction of Agricultural Pollution


  • To maintain water quality standards that adequately protect estuarine resources from agricultural nonpoint source pollutants

EM-12 Improvement of Water Quality through Stormwater Management


  • To reduce the negative impacts on water quality that current stormwater disposal practices may produce
  • To reduce loadings of nutrients, fecal coliform bacteria and pathogens, and other pollutants in waterways
  • To enhance wetland vegetation with inputs of nutrients, sediments, and freshwater from stormwater runoff

EM-13 Urban Green Spaces


  • To encourage the creation and growth of wildlife habitats in urban areas
  • To provide additional recreational space for visitors and residents of the Estuary to improve quality of life
  • To augment economic development
  • To improve urban flood control
  • To reduce urban flooding from runoff
  • To augment the natural processes that will help to improve air and water quality in the Estuary

EM-14 Assessment of Harmful Algal Blooms


  • To minimize the human health impacts of HABs in the BTES
  • To reduce the frequency and intensity of HABs within the BTES by supporting BMPs of watershed nutrient management
  • To build partnerships between research scientists and agency resource managers to help prepare for and respond to some HABs whose sources can and cannot be managed from within BTES to help reduce threats to marine organisms, human health, and economic well-being
  • To increase public awareness of HABs’ threats to human health and the economic well-being of shellfish and fish industries in the context of increasing or changing nutrient pollution, climate change, coastal land loss, and restoration actions

EM-15 Protection and Enhancement of Native Biological Resources


  • Plants – To support conservation efforts for ecological succession patterns of plant diversity from up-basin to down-basin within each of the habitat zones of the BTB delta ecosystem
  • Pollinators – To build a framework that encourages landowners to manage their land in a way that maximizes its suitability as habitat for pollinators
  • Fish and Shellfish – To support conservation efforts to maintain the diverse recreational and commercial invertebrate and vertebrate species harvested for pleasure and profit
  • Birds – To support conservation measures that maximize available natural habitats that maintain healthy populations of migratory and resident birds across the BTB system
  • Wildlife – To support conservation efforts to maintain the diverse amphibian, reptile, and mammal populations
  • Threatened and Endangered Species – To support recovery and conservation efforts for threatened and endangered species

EM-16 Reduction of Impacts from Invasive Species


  • To prevent and reduce negative impacts caused by the proliferation of invasive exotic species in order to protect the native organisms and resources of the BTE

EM-17 Improvement of Water Quality through the Reduction of Inshore and Marine Debris


  • To improve water quality by significantly reducing the amount of trash entering the BTB’s water bodies and the ocean through education and awareness activities targeted at students (K-12), parish governments, business communities, and individual citizens.

EM-18 Protection of Drinking Water Sources


  • To have a clear delineation of all drinking water sources
  • To identify possible problems and potential sources of contamination including but not limited to toxics, sewage, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, and other emerging contaminates
  • To use BMPs to diminish or eliminate problems
  • To engage citizens in active protection of their drinking water
  • To educate about appropriate actions to protect drinking water in the event of an emergency
  • To support improvement in appropriate training and pay to develop an experienced workforce related to drinking water
  • To participate in the education of public officials about the long term commitment that is needed to properly train certified water operators and related jobs
  • To support appropriate improvements to the water resources infrastructure
  • To support emerging technologies related to protecting drinking water sources
  • To support and recommend sweeps of the water systems

SR-1 Community Engagement


  • To develop educated, informed stakeholders who are willing to become active participants in
    outreach, restoration, preservation, and protection activities in the BTES to include:
    • citizen monitoring.
    • vegetative planting.
    • storm drain stenciling.
    • data collection and mapping (inserting waypoints, photos, etc. on Google maps to create reference points for restoration efforts).
    • community outreach and social media (“Pic on a Post” and social media hashtag photo reference points for restoration works).

SR-2 Civic Engagement


  • To give the public a continued mechanism for regular and methodical expression of issues, concerns, and possible solutions for the BTES
  • To engage the public in the decision making process and possible action items within the BTES
  • To provide a public forum for disseminating current information and receiving feedback about issues facing the BTES

SR-3 Media Engagement


  • To establish a consistent working relationship with local and national media including broadcast, print, digital, and social media in order to elevate community and national awareness about the mission and projects of BTNEP

SR-4 Public Engagement


  • To produce a communications package that provides informational and educational materials about the BTES and CCMP in formats that relate and correspond to identified target audiences
  • To develop and implement a well-coordinated, cohesive campaign for distributing informational and educational materials about BTES issues and CCMP actions in BTES businesses and public points of interest
  • To provide multiple forums for community engagement including website, social media, e-mail, and 1-800 number
  • To effectively and efficiently spread the word about BTNEP throughout the BTES by using the expertise of the BTNEP MC members and volunteers in the form of a Speakers Bureau

SR-5 Estuarine Curriculum Development


  • To continue to develop and produce curriculum and instructional materials and programs for estuarine education for the BTES

SR-6 Continuing Education Programs and Informal Education Programs


  • To provide opportunities for a comprehensive continuing education program and an informal estuarine education program

SR-7 Financial Support for Educational Initiatives


  • To garner support and secure financial resources for the implementation of curriculum, professional development and other estuarine educational initiatives.

SR-8 Cultural Heritage and Lifeways


  • To explore, investigate, and identify the cultural/ lifeways connections that improve human resilience due to the vulnerability of the land and water of the BTES
  • To protect the rich cultural lifeways that are connected to the natural resources of the BTES
  • To educate about the historical interaction of BTES residents and the BTE’s resources through active research projects that use maps, film, photos, documentaries, oral histories, and other techniques that will document this interaction to preserve the cultural aspects of the region
  • To promote a demand for information that highlights the uniqueness of our cultural heritage through creating and supporting events that attract the attention of scholars, students, and a public audience for the endangered cultural resources nurtured in the BTES
  • To advance greater awareness of the way the lifestyles and unique historical traditions of the BTES are a living classroom that demonstrate the interaction between the region’s natural and cultural resources
  • To support the complex dynamics of transition through the preservation and memorialization of community histories when those communities must transition from their traditional lands due to coastal land loss or ecological disasters • To prepare communities to adapt to new coastal lands as successful restoration practices as the natural cycle of delta lobe shifting re-shapes the BTES

EG-1 Economic Education


  • To educate business leaders, elected officials, university officials, and the general public about the economic value and the potential of BTNEP as a future economic engine for southern Louisiana with relationship to sustainable development
  • To become a thought leader for the impact of regulations and how they affect both the economic and ecologic environments of BTNEP
  • To drive economic diversification and stability through the appropriate use of natural resources found in the BTES, including:
    1. extracting higher value products from existing resources through the use of research and development
    2. demonstrating and supporting eco-tourism ventures and related support systems and services to enable entrepreneurs to find wetland-based recreational and tourism “adventures” that will support environmentally friendly business
  • To explore opportunities to create new courses, programs, certifications, and degree programs in conjunction with higher education and business leaders related to ecological economics

EG-2 Technology (R&D) and Market Development


  • To drive R&D in key sectors. These may include the following list but have the potential to change over time as new opportunities and new technologies are developed.
    • nature-based tourism
    • coastal restoration
    • nutria market development
    • sustainable fisheries
    • sustainable farming practices
  • To create value-added products in conjunction with higher education and business partners
  • To promote technology transfer of ecologically appropriate processes that are developed
  • To understand best practices of ecological entrepreneurship both in the US and globally

EG-3 Business Assistance


  • To identify, catalog, and promote access to financial tools to environmentally friendly businesses in the key sectors that could assist in business formation and growth contributing to environmental sustainability (Examples: America’s Small Business Development Center, SCPDC’s
    revolving loan programs, etc.)
  • To identify, catalog, and promote federal, state, and local incentive programs to businesses in key sectors that could assist in business formation and growth that decrease negative impacts in the seven priority problem areas
  • To identify, catalog, and promote federal, state, and local grant programs that could assist environmentally friendly businesses, nonprofits, and/or public institutions in developing programmatic activities related to wetland resources and the key sectors
  • To operate as a conduit linking businesses in key sectors with other resources in the area, including other businesses, small business support,
  • To identify and promote solutions for any financial or regulatory gaps consistently faced by businesses in the key sectors (Examples: US Dept of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA), Delta Regional Authority, etc.)

EG-4 Marketing Sustainable Products and Practices


  • To explore opportunities to create a new brand or maximize the existing brand throughout southeast Louisiana
  • To create place-based marketing programs that will reinforce the positive messages about quality of life and economic opportunities in the BTNEP region
  • To serve as a connector and promoter of BTNEP related businesses through the support or creation of an exposition that focuses on business, technology, and academic research related to estuaries

PE-1 Place-Based Benefits of the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary System (EG-1, EG-4)


  • recognize, understand, and value the rich natural and cultural resources of the BTES.
  • enhance the quality and the quantity of nature based and cultural experiential tourism opportunities and operations in the BTES.
  • support the development and operation of new and existing tourism activities through traditional economic development techniques/education.

PE-2 Scientific Literacy on Water (EG-1, EG-2)


  • To support development and implementation of enhanced public outreach, based in use of accessible language, interactive dialogue, and respect for local water knowledge and culture.

PE-3 Seafood Promotion, Technology, and Marketing (EG-1, EG-2, EG-4)


  • Education, technology transfer, and new market development are critical factors for the economic survival of seafood harvesting and processing firms operating in the BTES region. The BTNEP MC will support developing and implementing enhanced public outreach initiatives and
    partnership opportunities to inform and promote new handling and processing technologies, value-added products, and innovative practices and byproduct uses that maximize the quality and profitability of seafood resources in the BTES region.

PE-4 Development at Port Fourchon (EG-2, EG-3)


  • The BTNEP MC has identified the continued expansion of Port Fourchon as an opportunity to generate increased adoption of the planning and construction of green infrastructure and a holistic approach to resiliency of traditional hard (grey) assets through the construction of natural protective buffers (green infrastructure) throughout the BTES.

PE-5 Climate Change as an Economic Driver (EG-1, EG-2, EG-4)


  • BTNEP will continue to help individuals, businesses, and communities plan for and adapt to
    projected climate changes, by:
    • supporting and sharing the latest assessments on coastal landscape change and climate-based
    • promoting awareness and understanding of adaptive restoration and protection options and the capacity of these strategies to mitigate changing conditions.
    • developing information and tools to aid residents and businesses on economic decisions related to development, settlement, and risk mitigation.
    • promoting the BTES region as a global leader in the development of coastal restoration technologies and community adaptation approaches for dealing with climate change.

PE-6 Business Financial Assistance as an Economic Driver (EG-1, EG-2, EG-3 & EG-4)


  • To educate business leaders, elected officials, university officials, and the general public about the economic value and potential of BTNEP as a future economic engine for southern Louisiana with relationship to sustainable development
  • To drive economic diversification and stability through the appropriate use of natural resources found in the BTES
  • To identify, catalog, and promote access to financial tools to environmentally friendly businesses; incentive programs that could assist in business formation and growth; and grant program development to assist in programmatic activities related to wetland resources
  • To operate as a conduit linking businesses with resources
  • To identify and promote solutions for any financial and regulatory gaps faced by business
  • To create place-based marketing programs that reinforce the positive messages about the quality of life and economic opportunities in the BTNEP region

PE-7 Liaison roles of BTNEP (EG-1, EG-2, EG-3 & EG-4)


  • To educate business leaders, elected officials, university officials, and the general public about economic resources
  • To become a thought leader for the impact of regulations and how they affect both the economics and ecologic environments
  • To drive research and development in key sectors
  • To promote technology transfer
  • To understand and explain best practices
  • To operate as a conduit
  • To identify and promote solutions
  • To serve as a connector and promoter of BTNEP related businesses

PE-8 Business Education and Training (EG-1, EG-2, EG-3)


    • To educate business leaders, elected officials, university officials, and the general public about the economic value and the potential of BTNEP as a future economic engine for southern Louisiana
    • To become a thought leader for the impact of regulations and how they affect both the economic and ecologic environments of BTNEP
    • To drive economic diversity and stability through the appropriate use of natural resources found in the BTES, including extracting higher value products from existing resources through the use of research and development
    • To explore opportunities to create new courses, programs, certifications, and degrees in conjunction with higher education and business leaders
    • The objective is to support developing and implementing education and certification programs throughout the education ecosystem. Aligning with existing economic development strategies to make coastal restoration a legitimate “export industry” in south Louisiana, BTNEP can drive smart strategies for workforce development.

Education institutions have expressed a strong desire to be more aligned with economic development in their respective areas. With partners like Fletcher Technical College and Nicholls, BTNEP can assess the needs of the future workforce and assist higher education institutions in developing curricula that will help fill those future needs.

PE-9 Marketing the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (EG-4)


  • To explore opportunities to create a new brand or maximize the existing brand throughout southeast Louisiana
  • To create place-based marketing programs that will reinforce the positive messages about the quality of life and economic opportunities in the BTNEP region
  • To serve as a connector and promoter of BTNEP related businesses through the support or creation of an exposition that focuses on business, technology, and academic research related to estuaries
  • Leveraging the strong environmental brand already associated with BTNEP, future activities should build upon that brand to promote economic and technological opportunities for environmentally sustainable businesses.